The blog that's gotten one comment ever! Thanks mom!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Leela update

Janie and I went to a farmer's market in Old Town today, feeing
uncomfortably hip amongst all the other parents with their kids in
tow. Janie had gravitated towards a table with a lady selling home
made pasta, and as we were browsing, the lady asked, "Aren't you
Leela's parents?"

We hadn't recognized her all gussied up for market, but it was of
course the nice farmer who had taken Leela in. Leela has aparently
taken to farm life, proving herself to be a competent mouser. She
likes climbing trees, though getting down tends to involve clumsy drops.

The farmer gave us some pasta to thank us for Leela. We wanted to buy
more to thank her for taking Leela.


Bonnie said...

I just love happy endings!!!

Becca Chapman said...

I'm glad Leela's happy!:)

Bonnie said...

Do you suppose this nice lady would like a really big dog????

Have you read my blog?