The blog that's gotten one comment ever! Thanks mom!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy 1st birthday Violette!

Well, you've survived a whole year with Janie and I as your parents, which is no small feat. Thank you for being the most awesome, cutest, most fun little kid I could have ever hoped for. Sure, you're a lot of work, and Janie's tired all the time, and life in the last year is completely different from how things were before. But despite missing being able to sleep in on weekends, and all the diapers, and the occasional screaming fits (mostly yours), your mom and I are happy that you're here. This morning, when you clearly said 'Hi daddy' when I came into view, I don't know if you know what you're saying yet. But it's amazing to watch you learn and grow on a daily basis, and I'm happy to be a part of it.

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